The Ultimate Guide To Getting Your Finances In Order

3 min readDec 8, 2020

Order is half the battle, including finances. But not everyone enjoys doing the bookkeeping in their free time. It has immense advantages: Anyone who has a precise overview of their income and expenses and is concerned with investment opportunities quickly becomes an accountant. Debts and overdraft facilities can be reduced in this way, even if this takes a bit time and patience.

A good place to start is to make a plan. Depending on how much you have already dealt with the topic, it can of course take more or less time. But the main thing is that all tasks are done.

Create Budget Agenda

In order to be able to keep an eye on the expenses, it is important to write them: Use a budget agenda for this. There are many ready agendas online as files or tables to print out. The consistent listing of all items such as food or clothing helps to make one’s own spending behavior clear. The result of the evaluation can then be used to create a budget in which future purchases and acquisitions are regulated in relation to the income.

Arrange Some Documents

Subscriptions, accounts — all of this makes paperwork that should be well arranged. On the one hand, this is good for your own overview, and on the other hand, it also makes the annual tax return easier. But how do you create order? You create a document in which you file all your finances. The first page in the folder should be a cover sheet on which you have noted the contributions and notice the process of the personal contracts. You can also include all standing orders in this folder.


Calculate Debts And Cut Expenses

The new overview of the income and expenses is used here: Now it is to be calculated which savings are available at all. So it is time to sit down and plug the negative gaps discovered by canceling unnecessary subscriptions. Even if the subscription should run for some time, at least the notice date will not be missed. Furthermore, a plan should be drawn up for the expenses in the near future and calculated based on how much money you can save per month. If you have several accounts, you should reduce them for clarity. Two current accounts however, can be useful: From here a fixed monthly amount can be paid on top of the other — for food, clothing and leisure. So the two areas are separated and do not get in each other’s way.

Find Out About Financial Investment Chances

Anyone who has found out how much finances they can save a month should look into investments. For this, some questions have to be clarified in advanced. What kind of risk do you have? Are you more afraid? Or do you like changes and see risks as a challenge? You also have to find out what amounts you want to invest each month and which investment is right for you.




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