PPC Management Continues To Increase In Marketing Strategies

2 min readJun 27, 2021

For retailers, PPC management means that competition in marketing continues to increase, so optimizing PPC ads should be a priority. We explain the best tips for managing pay per click campaigns;

Segment Campaigns

Google AdWords allow you to place bids at the product or keyword level. However, this function is not used by many advertisers. When trading online, it is particularly important to segment your Google campaigns as finely as possible, as your offer may be seasonal and individual items have very different bid values. For example, in womenswear, you could just create a single ad for all womenswear ads, but doing so could result in poor performance. It would be much better to divide your products into categories like blouses, pants, shorts, etc. In this way you have more control over the bids and can, for example, bid according to the season.

Focus On External Conditions

When evaluating campaign, it is easy to be tempted to focus on the reasons for low sales. But maybe you should also pay attention to when your campaigns run best? By looking for the reasons for a good performance, you can find out whether your sales figures are dependent on conditions such as the time of day, the devices used by the users, or the weather. You can then adapt your bid to these factors.

PPC Management

PPC Management

Use Location-Based Bid Adjustments

Consider location based bid adjustments. Do you only deliver to a certain region? Are there regions that pay off more than others? Raise your bid!

Find Your Unique Selling Proposition

The description texts in AdWords give you the opportunity to add that certain something to your campaigns. While many advertisers tend to focus on the product in question, you can instead focus on your unique selling point to differentiate yourself from the competition. Free shipping is almost standard these days, so it is better to use the shipping time, for example.

Add Negative Keywords

Adding negative keywords is an important part of campaign management. Not only does it help you narrow down your target audience and ensure that more seriously interested users click on your page, it can also help you revise your bidding. By using negative keywords, for example to separate brand from non-brand, you can place higher bids on branded items and thus on users who are closer to the lower end of the sales funnel.




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