How Businesses Can Use Social Media For “Targeted Social Good”

2 min readMar 8, 2021

Social media can be used by companies for purposes such as targeted social good, customer loyalty and reputation building. Nevertheless, on the company side, not even half have devoted themselves to this topic: just 38% use social media.

Here companies are wasting potential. Because even if they don’t take part in what is happening on the relevant pages themselves — their customers do. And they write about their experiences and views on the company, exchange ideas and thus shape the image of the company on the social media. Better stamp it yourself! With a well-maintained social network, your company can position itself as a competent structure communication according to its own thoughts. Customers can be reached in a short time.

Questions can also be easily answered accordingly. If this is done publicly so that the answers are visible to all customers, this also reduces the effort at this point. Social media is also well suited as a platform for customer support: Complaints can be responded to quickly and, if necessary, publicly. In this way, you are not subject to the benevolence of media reporting — allegations and statements are easier to handle. You can react quickly, especially in the event of unwanted incidents.

Social Media

You Can Win And Retain Customers Through Social Networks

A presence in the social media is now expected from a leading company at the cutting edge. In order not to disappoint your customers, potential applicants and employees, you should present yourself accordingly. A good half 50 % of all respondents, obtain data about companies from social media. Almost 30% of women and almost 36% of men can be influenced in their purchasing behavior by the appearance of a company in social media; especially in the important target group between sixteen and forty-five years.

Here Are Some Things To Keep In Mind

The presence on social media offers various advantages for companies. The prerequisite, however, is that qualified ones are entrusted with the continuous maintenance of the content. It is also important that your company must also be suitable in order to be successful in social networks. Try to keep your target up to date with interesting data and to attract them with great promotions.

Companies should entrust the communication with customers, applicants and employees as well as press representatives to competent managers, as a lot of tact is required here. At this point, great potential also means the need to handle the balance carefully.




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