Getting Started With TikTok Ads

3 min readJan 7, 2021

TikTok Ads are currently gaining importance, especially for brands that want to focus on a young target group. It’s a kind of media marketing that’s all about video content. Thanks to TikTok, companies can show themselves more creatively than on any other online platform. The paid advertisements at TikTok are currently still in the initial period.

Creative Content Instead Of Boring Ads

Creativity is more important here than in any other social platform. The short video app managed to fight its way to the top of app downloads within a very short time. In addition to Instagram, TikTok is one of the most liked apps of all.

The Different Feeds

After logging in to TikTok Ads, it actually starts right away. In the feed, the first content is shown in the format of videos. There are two different feeds that users can swipe back and forth between. When the app opens, the user is in the “for you” feed by default. This shows content that the TikTok assumes you might like. New videos are always displayed in the “for you” feed, regardless of whether you are already following other users or not. In this feed, everything works on the TikTok system, which checks your user behavior and your interactions with videos. The artificial intelligence which content a user clicks on, which content is commented on and liked and also which influencer a user is interested in.

TikTok Ads

You Can Reach This Target Group With TikTok

TikTok is a social app, but the application is very different from the other social media platforms, because no other app is influenced by Generation Z as much as TikTok. The target group in other networks is often a bit broader. So far however, TikTok has mainly attracted the youngest of all target groups, namely young people between the ages of 13 and 25. Around 70% of users fall into this age group. Only 10–15% of users are older than 35 years. Despite the minimum age of 13 years, a lot of younger users cheat their way into it. Anyone who deals with TikTok more often will meet many young users who are regularly on the app and upload content.

Why TikTok Ads Are Also Interesting For Companies

So far, there is relatively little advertising on TikTok. But this platform is also changing and becoming increasingly commercial. A lot is happening in TikTok marketing at the moment. More and more brands and companies are creating their own profile, because their presence on this app is becoming more and more interesting and important. More and more companies can now be found in the video content. In today’s online marketing, companies can no longer avoid dealing with the TikTok ads from China. Of course, the app is not a useful marketing for every company. Only those who can offer something that is interesting for a very young target group should actually do TikTok marketing.




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